
University Southampton
Salisbury Road

SO17 1BJ


Prices: £22
Booking line: 023 8059 5151



– violin
– piano

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Programme Note

The third in an exclusive series of concerts celebrating the creative genius of Johann Sebastian Bach.

Max Reger described Johann Sebastian Bach as ‘the beginning and end of all music’. Bach’s influence can be heard in many of his compositions.

In the third and final concert in their series, Chloë Hanslip and Danny Driver perform Reger’s Suite in the Old Style alongside the works of J. S. Bach.

Violinist Chloë Hanslip first performed at Turner Sims in 2002, aged 15, a year after her BBC Proms debut. She has gone on to perform at major venues across the UK and Europe, as well as Carnegie Hall and Metropolitan Arts Space in Tokyo.

Pianist Danny Driver is recognised internationally as an artist of sophistication, insight and musical depth. He has performed with orchestras across the globe including the BBC Scottish Symphony, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Halle, Bournemouth Symphony and American Symphony.

Chloë Hanslip and Danny Driver

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